View Full Version : question about ROC 3.75 figure stands?

08-18-2009, 10:24 PM
hey guys :)
i bought a desert attack roc duke today but instead of the regular stand with just the name on it, i got this dog tag looking one tht says some stuff about duke, is this a variant or running change anyone kno?
thanx :)

08-19-2009, 01:23 AM
It's exclusive to that Duke I believe. Everyone else has a generic stand with their name on it while Duke has the dogtag one.

08-21-2009, 11:28 AM
Speaking of, does anyone want a bunch of ugly ROC stands? I don't.

08-21-2009, 11:46 AM
Speaking of, does anyone want a bunch of ugly ROC stands? I don't.

They are pretty ugly, aren't they? Sometimes I wonder what goes on in the heads of the designers.

08-21-2009, 04:08 PM
The Duke stand is vastly inferior to the ones that come with the others.
It's hard to get him on it and it doesn't fit as tightly.

08-21-2009, 05:48 PM
They are pretty ugly, aren't they? Sometimes I wonder what goes on in the heads of the designers.

I'm wondering if they had a plastic quota they needed to fill?

Whatever happened to simple old flat stands? And what's the point of the name on the stand? I know who I bought, so i know their name. Why does Destro need to stand on his own stand? Is it so you can put them on your shelf and your friends can say "Oh, this is Cover Girl, i was wondering who it might be."?? Because that's a terrible idea, because they don't care.

I'm pretty sure it's just one more way Hasbro can justify the pricetag of these figs, and that sucks.

08-21-2009, 06:43 PM
It's exclusive to that Duke I believe. Everyone else has a generic stand with their name on it while Duke has the dogtag one.

thanx icetron! :)

08-22-2009, 01:20 AM
I'm wondering if they had a plastic quota they needed to fill?

Whatever happened to simple old flat stands? And what's the point of the name on the stand? I know who I bought, so i know their name. Why does Destro need to stand on his own stand? Is it so you can put them on your shelf and your friends can say "Oh, this is Cover Girl, i was wondering who it might be."?? Because that's a terrible idea, because they don't care.

I'm pretty sure it's just one more way Hasbro can justify the pricetag of these figs, and that sucks.

I would say that instead of fancy stands, I'd prefer more attention paid to the figures themselves. But whatever. I suppose collectors and bitching go hand in hand. :p

09-14-2009, 06:26 PM
I suppose collectors and bitching go hand in hand. :p

I think its part of the hobby

09-16-2009, 10:24 PM
I was confused by the odd Duke stand as well. Since I don't use them I didn't think about it again.

A comic store here in town went out of business(sad for sure), but the had a %50 off everything and I picked up a mini mag display stand. After I set it up I was pissed I didn't buy both of them. Amazing. The have little bridge pieces to connect them too. In a month I haven't had one figure fall down. It's brilliant. I would rather pay a dollar less and not get a stand w/figure. I don't think I needed the oversized weapons either(more bitching).


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