View Full Version : Marvel legends

10-21-2016, 10:20 AM
Hey guys! Here's a few figures I've been looking for:

Deadpool and Rogue - juggernaut wave
Venom - absorbing man wave
Pizza spidey - hobgoblin wave
Ghost rider and chameleon - rhino wave
Thor - Odin wave
Hellcat and spider woman - Thanos wave
Ant man - ultron wave
Black widow MCU - winter soldier film
And all the figures from th guardians of the galaxy line, th and MCU versions

What I have to trade:

Agents of sheild 3 pack
Black panther and nick fury - giant man wave
Captain marvel and sentry - Odin wave
Falcon and winter soldier Walmart exclusives
Any figure from hulkbuster wave
Spidergwen - absorbing man wave

I've also got all of the figures from the dormammu wave. Iron fist, Nico, and MCU strange probably won't stick around for long though.

Feel free to ask if I have anything else.