View Full Version : Hasbro Contact Guidelines

09-13-2010, 02:17 PM
Got this message from Hasbro PR today, thought I would post it here for you guys.

Hello Hasbro Fans,

We hope you had a great weekend!

Throughout the past year, the team at Hunter PR have grown to appreciate working with you all. From sending you samples of the latest toys, to figuring out contest prizes, to coordinating the Q&A – we have greatly enjoyed our conversations and banter about Hasbro and all of your wild enthusiasm. So let’s keep it up!

Although the Hasbro brand team also loves hearing about your fandom, the appropriate way to do is through Hunter PR – that is our job! We like talking to you guys and keeping the lines of communication between the online community and Hasbro open, so feel free to contact us anytime. You all have our email addresses, so if you want to chat Hasbro, feel free to shoot one of us here at Hunter PR an email – please do not contact any of Hasbro’s brand team members directly.

Of course, this goes for your forum/community members as well – they should not be contacting Hasbro’s brand team members directly. Please relay this message to them. Ideally, each site should have one point person (you), and that person should be in touch with the Hunter PR team when things come up. If a forum member wants to talk to Hasbro, please find out what the issue is and then send it our way. Hunter PR continues to be the gatekeeper of any concern and our team will do its best to fulfill requests.

If you have any questions, please let us know!

09-13-2010, 11:29 PM
Interesting. Well, at least it's a central contact then. I guess larger issues like the whole SDCC Sgt. Slaughter debacle could be handled this way instead of bombarding the call centers. I've always thought that it is impressive that Hasbro listens to collectors as much as they do.