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Quantum Quantum is offline

Agent of Shield

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Quantum
    09-15-2010 09:42 PM
    I'll get them together for you. And that's a negatory on the Darkseid pieces.
  2. Super_Megatron
    09-13-2010 03:40 PM
    I'll read all of them.

    Do you have any extra Darkseid BAF parts?
  3. Quantum
    09-10-2010 10:30 PM
    you bet dude. let me gather them up for ya. you want the green lantern and green lantern corps issues as well? I recommend it since the series itself is missing a lot that happens in those books.
  4. Super_Megatron
    09-07-2010 11:30 PM
    Dude, I need to borrow the Blackest Night comics off you
  5. Robimus
    09-07-2009 05:38 PM
    Welcome to the team, errrr? , duo
  6. Quantum
    08-27-2009 10:59 PM
    Yeah, had him in my hand, debated, put him back. I put one of the cases on the pegs myself, and opened the other one (needed the best paint apps for Helix - she's awesome!) so saw both P.I.T. commandos.
  7. evilsliderboy
    08-26-2009 12:39 AM
    Looks like we are both in Burlington...I just checked super wal-mart yesterday but they had nothing. You said you saw a pit commando? I really am looking for that fig. If you see any out there do you think you could send me a heads up. Thanks.

About Me

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    "Poo head" should really be a phrase we use more often going forward.

    - pud333


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  • Last Activity: 08-24-2021 12:32 PM
  • Join Date: 05-01-2007
  • Referrals: 0


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