03-20-2012, 01:43 AM
Re: Marvel Legends 2012
Must as well repost my giant mess of a post from the other now locked thread.
Ya, Hasbro should really get to improving the female mold they have right now. A step in the right direction in my opinion would be ankle rockers and T joint hips, both which I honestly feel are essential at this point. It would be really great if they got to fixing or even making a new female body by the time wave 3 is ready. And maybe I'm just hoping here, but they have chosen not to show either Dani or Mystique, which leads me to possibly believe that some reworks for the female mold may be taking place.
I also think that the ankle rockers and 90 degree hips should be an essential feature of all figures going forward, and that if they want to reuse old molds rather than make new ones that they should rework them to add in these much needed features.
As nice as reworks would be, I would really like to see some all new default for characters. The Bucky Cap mold is definitely a step in the right direction. It looks great and features all that great articulation that so many recent figures have been lacking. Hopefully if Marvel Legends can prove successful (which it really seems to be, especially with all the sellouts everywhere) Hasbro will be able to allocate a larger budget to it and maybe even be able to make more and more new molds.
Onto BaFs, I think Terrax was pretty cool. And Arnim is alright as well. That being said I still do think that Arnim is on the small side for a BaF and should have been made into a single carded figure, or even featured in a 2 pack. Like I said in another post, people have argued that he is a niche characters that only collectors would like, well here's some news, so is Klaw. Next up is the argument that his mold is mostly unique and will not be reusable to Hasbro and they would therefore be wasting money by making him single carded. More news, there is actually quite a bit of potential to his parts. Sure his body and "head" wouldn't be useable but he has those legs that I'm sure a modern Ronan wouldn't mind using, and those arms that may be able to fit characters who happen to have long sleeves. I'm in the camp that would like to see BaFs being a bit bigger, like 10" or even long and thick, like Lockjaw, if he were ever to be made. I would also really like to see the occasional giant again, maybe in a wave featuring more figures or something. Maybe like one big BaF a year would be nice.
Uhh, what else is there to talk about... Accessories! Accessories with a lot of figures seems to be a
problem (that seems to be getting fixed in wave 3, with all the guns and weapons characters seem to be getting). Now, I'm not asking for a lot here, just what's really essential, or for some characters, what would make them be more than they are. For example, Klaw could have really used some energy sound effect to make him more interesting, especially considering he's so small. And Spider-Man in wave 2, he comes with nothing! Thor justified coming with nothing (well, if you count Mjlonir as nothing) because he was huge! But Spidey, no bigger than Daken but doesn't come with a BaF piece. Not even one accessory to make him more enticing. Some webbing could have gone a long way, especially since it could be reused, like they're doing in MU.
Next up is running changes. I thought that these were a pretty cool idea, but the potential isn't working as of right now. Both Madame Masque and Hydra have their own personal touches on their costumes, and hair, that make them who they are. For example that kind of "X" belt that Hydra has, and her straight hair. But for her figure she's just a straight repaint of Masque with a head swap... wait, scratch that, a face swap. Her hair was kept the same! Once again, I'm thinking that things may be looking up in wave 3 because if I'm not mistaken Blade/Punisher and Dani/Mystique are running changes of one another and each of those characters are different enough that they would have no choice but to do some remolds to the characters (like Punishers skull belt, Blade obviously can't have that).
Whew... I think I already said a bit too much for one post...
03-20-2012, 12:27 PM
Re: Marvel Legends 2012
I had heard that there was to be 4 waves in 2012. If so, was one of them to be an Avengers movie based set? They released the first two in the U.S. overlapped and was hoping for the same with 3 and 4
03-20-2012, 02:04 PM
Location: A glass case of emotion
Re: Marvel Legends 2012
Originally Posted by PegMan
I had heard that there was to be 4 waves in 2012. If so, was one of them to be an Avengers movie based set? They released the first two in the U.S. overlapped and was hoping for the same with 3 and 4
I think the marvel legends line is strictly going to be comic based for now.
They did release 6" movie base figures for captain America, Thor and nick fury earlier this year. But they didn't appear in Canada at retail
03-20-2012, 04:52 PM
Re: Marvel Legends 2012
I've had to ebay Fury and Loki, but I'm still hunting down the two Cap's. I don't have the wave 2 set yet, and I'm already looking forward to the third lol and a Lockjaw baf Would kick ass!
Last edited by PegMan; 03-20-2012 at 04:56 PM.
03-20-2012, 05:37 PM
Re: Marvel Legends 2012
There was to be a 6" Avengers movie line using the name Marvel Legends, kind of like a sub line. Though back when they were announced there wasn't supposed to be a BaF involved (though you'd think movie Hulk would be a perfect chance for a BaF) and that the figures were supposed to be store exclusives for various stores. This was announced at SDCC and there they revealed a 6" movie Loki, Thor (in a vest like thing), Cap (in his new uniform) and Hawkeye. I'm not really sure what happened to it though, and there hasn't been any news about since.
Last edited by Onslaught; 03-20-2012 at 05:44 PM.
03-21-2012, 08:34 AM
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Re: Marvel Legends 2012
Originally Posted by Onslaught
There was to be a 6" Avengers movie line using the name Marvel Legends, kind of like a sub line. Though back when they were announced there wasn't supposed to be a BaF involved (though you'd think movie Hulk would be a perfect chance for a BaF) and that the figures were supposed to be store exclusives for various stores. This was announced at SDCC and there they revealed a 6" movie Loki, Thor (in a vest like thing), Cap (in his new uniform) and Hawkeye. I'm not really sure what happened to it though, and there hasn't been any news about since.
I'm pretty sure they said that the Avengers 6" line is separate from the ML Line. Just like when they released the Cap and Thor Movie figures.
The 6" line won't hit retail till after the Movie is released. Maybe it will be released when the DVD for the Avengers comes out?
So far we've seen Hawkeye, Loki and some pictures of Black Widow, Cap and Thor?
I think the SLJ Nick Fury is an easy repack on this line also.
Black Widow
Nick Fury
Iron Man
I can see 2 waves of 4 figs per wave.
03-21-2012, 09:53 AM
Re: Marvel Legends 2012
Ya, it will be separate from the ML line, but it was said that it would use the ML banner, kinda like how the ML line is currently using the MU line's banner (though that is a lot more general,but the idea was that it brought brand recognition to retailers and consumers).
As for the figures you said we saw, all of them but Black Widow. I'm also not so sure how willing they'd be to make a Hulk in the line that isn't a BaF. If he was to be accurate he'd have to be pretty big, and that kind of size may not reflect what can be single carded nowadays. I thought it would make sense if they followed their original plans and sell them as exclusives to various stores, but also include a BaF Hulk piece among them. That's not only incentive to buy from each store, but you could do everyone in 1 wave and have all the main movie characters (minus the main minion enemies I guess).
03-21-2012, 05:17 PM
Re: Marvel Legends 2012
I just looked at the pictures of hawkeye, black widow, cap, iron man and loki and have hopes on a some retooling, but we'll get what we get. I am just guessing here, but there will probably be another villan or two in the film. That means even more figs, so if they are releasing at least 10, it may mean no baf at all, and maybe two packs(speculation), or some just a lots of singles. I can't tell you how terrible the movie version for black widow looks, it's laughable.
03-21-2012, 07:02 PM
Re: Marvel Legends 2012
Alright, I'm starting to get confused. I think some of you are looking at the 4" line and thinking it might be 6". The figures in these 2 links are the only 6" Avengers figures revealed to date.
In the second link it's pretty obvious which are 4 and 6 inches. So ya, only Thor, Cap, Hawkeye and Loki have been shown. In the first link you can also see the label, Marvel Legends. There's also an explanation about that from Hagop (a member of Fwoosh) at the bottom of the first link, but I'll also post it here.
"6″ Avengers movie figures are Marvel Legends. But don’t worry! They won’t be “taking the place” of comic figures in the line. They will be retail exclusives that will ship along with Legends, but outside of the “wave” format. They will not contain BaF pieces. So for example, bigbox store ‘A’ will get Legends wave x and also their exclusive movie figure. Look for them in endcaps, etc. I asked whether they would be offered to online retailers and that seemed a little up in the air for the moment. But it does look like they won’t be sold online unless an online retailer is buying them at retail and reselling them."
Of course, nothing about that is really confirmed since plans can change. We'll just have to wait and see.
03-21-2012, 07:10 PM
Re: Marvel Legends 2012
Lol, thanks O, I WAS confused over the site that posted some of the pics. Thanks for the links!
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